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Do you have to be drop dead good looking to get the girl of your dreams? The answer is no. The fact is most girls simply don’t go for pure looks and the phrase what’s on the inside is as important as whats on the outside is just as important if not more so in getting your dream date.

Here you will find 10 tips that are guaranteed to help you get the date you really want and maybe even get the girl of your dreams.


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1. Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Firstly you need to thing of your strengths and weaknesses and if you are honest with yourself you will know them to.

It’s not your strengths you need to work on but your weaknesses to improve your overall personality. While this may seem fairly obvious most people think their strengths can make up for their weaknesses but this is not the case.

2. Get Help

When you know your weaknesses get help. If for instance you feel you lack a sense of style (and many men do) get help.

A good place to start is with a trusted female friend who can give you an honest opinion. A fantastic investment though is to visit a professional - In this case an image consultant who will ensure you look good.

Top on most women’s list of likes is a well turned out guy.

You can look good and be great personality but this wont make up for a lack of style.


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3. Make The Most Of What You Have

Grooming is critical. Make sure your face and hair look good. If in doubt with your hair get it cut most women see short hair as tidy and manly.

Also pay attention to your skin and make sure you moisturise and cleanse.

Nothing is more unattractive than bad skin.

What do most women love on a man?

A great smile! Make sure you have one regular trips to the dentist and white teeth are a must – You can bleach your teeth for about 100.00 and this is a sound investment


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4. The Art Of Conversation

Most women love a man who can communicate with them so you must learn the art of conversation if you find communicating difficult – Not enough room here but you can find out all about it in our related articles

5. Romance

What women don’t like a bit of romance? It shows you care.

They don’t have to be expensive gestures just show you have gone out of your way for them. A bunch of flowers, a book she may like or cook her a meal.

The fact you have made the gesture will be highly appreciated.


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6. Don’t be Afraid To Show A Feminine Side

This does not mean you are not a man. It simply shows you are sensitive and in touch with your feeling and emotions. Most women love a sensitive side so show it.

7. Manners

This simply means showing your date respect. You are punctual and you are attentive to your dates needs. You can open doors, take her coat and when she leaves you to go home, make sure she gets home safely, if you are not dropping her off.

If this sounds old fashioned to you and you think a women won’t appreciate it – Try it and see, you will be surprised at how well it goes down.


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8. Sense Of Humour
All women like men who make them laugh. If you are a serious person try not to take yourself to seriously, be able to laugh at adversity, yourself and don’t take life to seriously.

Do the above tips mean you will get your dream girl – Maybe not, but they will certainly improve your chances. Don’t try to hard and remember we all sometimes get rejected but there is someone out there for everyone.


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