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  • Girls talk! We all know that, and we women admit that pretty easily as well. For all those who have seen women have discussions with each other for hours and hours, on no particular topic as such, know it to be true. However, for a guy to be able to sit down and make a sensible discussion with a girl materialize, takes a little bit of effort. Remember boys, girls are complex, perceptive, imaginative and talkative. If you screw up, all the women will know. Then you can bid farewell to the pick ups and the flirting. So, let's get on with the topics to talk about, before I start rambling.

    What Topics to Talk About with Girls?
    Ok, so one thing you need to know, girls are smarter than guys. Trust me, it's a fact, and I will make no attempts to prove this. So, it is important that you acknowledge this fact when trying to fathom
    how to talk to girls. We don't 'only' gossip or talk about hair. So don't you dare try that. We talk about things like current affairs, global news, socio-economic status, etc. So, if you really want to establish a good conversation with us, the best way to start is with the weather, it normally works. Then depending on the circumstances you can talk about anything from the long line in the cafe to, bad state of the subway to the awesome restaurant around the corner. Make sure that you know what you are talking about. Because, if you don't, well we'll catch it, and we will take that against you.



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Interesting Topics to Talk About with Girls
Boys! We know you are different from us. So, please don't try to be one of us. A very sensitive guy can often be perceived as gay. So, quit trying to discuss the new Chanel line of perfumes or our shoes. We know that you are not really interested in those things. Though, you could discuss things that interest us from the male point of view, like how the new Victoria Secret design is so awesome because it is hot. Or how the new Chanel line of perfumes is making a huge impact on the money market. Don't worry, even though you think that we don't care, we will hear you out and appreciate that.

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Good Topics to Talk About with Girls
If you are interested in a girl, try to compliment her. Steer clear from flattery though, we know the difference. You can compliment the hair, the eyes and and glow on the face. In fact, talk about the book she is holding or the fact that you saw her in a gorgeous convertible. Make sure that you don't compliment too much, we tend to get offended by that. Stay away from the sports talks. We really don't care much. However, if a girl is listening to your sports talks, remember that she likes you. (just a tip from me to you!). Talking about the news is acceptable, and terrorism is interesting to us. We hate it when guys get chauvinistic about certain news topics. You don't need to be pro feminism, just be neutral. State facts and your opinions on it, without the dash of "I am a man, and we are great!". This will help you with the best topics to talk about with a girl

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Topics to Talk About with Girls on the Phone
Yes, most women love phone conversations. It is romantic to us. Don't ask why. I have seen most of my male friends have problems with talking to their girlfriends on the phone. Again, don't ask why. Boys! Talking on the phone is the loophole. You don't need to be as attentive as you would have to be in person. And you can say things that you truly want, without worrying about how you look while saying it. So, you can be romantic, without worrying about looking like a sissy (which is a weird myth that men have about romance
- not true!). You can talk about the moon, the night sky, that fact that you wish she were there, the fact that you want nothing more than just to hold her in your arms till the end of time. Be poetic, on the phone, we love it. In fact, phone sex is more acceptable to women than you think. Try it out. However, if she is resisting, better to let it be till she is ready. Don't try too hard.

List of Topics to Talk About with Girls
Here is a list of topics to talk about with girls.

  • The latest news

  • A little bit of gossip. (don't go overboard, or you'll become the "good friend".)

  • A new restaurant nearby, that you both need to visit soon.

  • Her favorite book, author or magazine.

  • Does she like sports, if yes, which?

  • Ask her what is her ultimate fantasy.

  • Ask her what her childhood was like, and what her family is like.

  • Hobbies, interests, pet peeves and fears. Discuss them. Let the girl describe them in full detail

  • Does she believe in the paranormal?

  • Has she been in love before?

So, you see, there is just so much. I have merely scraped the tip of the iceberg here. Go on and plunge into the depths of how to talk to people. Try it out. Girls are sensitive, if we know that you are making an effort, we will appreciate it. Most of us find it cute, as well. So, don't worry, it ain't an exam to pass, just something that a guy has to do, right?

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